Ensuring easy access to essential information
The Agency for Digitalisation
Product Design
Business objective
The Danish Agency for Digitalisation wanted to digitalize the paper version of NemID. NemID is a Danish digital signature that secures login solutions for businesses and individuals in online transactions and communication.
The solution is an intuitive app that allows quick and easy logins to access essential information and documents. In addition, the user-friendly interface makes it easy to manage your digital identity.
An alternative to a worn out piece of paper
A piece of paper is easy to forget – a smartphone, however, is not. We keep it with us at all times which is why it made perfect sense to move NemID’s services to our phones. It is always right at hand, easy and accessible.

For everyone
The NemID app garnered 206.400 downloads within the first 24 hours and 4,2 million active users in 2022. It has a 99% user satisfaction rate and 7,7 million downloads. With numbers like these, the NemID app launched the next generation of digitalization.
